
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Can u lend me a Burka : Gals in my office are very flirty & i feel so unsecure?

plz plzzz, don%26#039;t hide your beauty like its something bad. Be proud and show us gals a little more! Why don%26#039;t you tie your shirt in a sexy little knot that shows your belly button, and cut those khakis into Daisy Dukes and give us a little dance on the conference room table...just kidding!

Can u lend me a Burka : Gals in my office are very flirty %26amp; i feel so unsecure?debt consolidation

Sorry, I don%26#039;t want your %26quot;boys%26quot; hanging out in my burka where my %26quot;boys%26quot; have been

Can u lend me a Burka : Gals in my office are very flirty %26amp; i feel so unsecure? loan

Where do you work? I will fill in for you if you like!|||put on the Bee Keeper uniform and go out and molest a bee hive....

that will keep the JW%26#039;s away|||Shhhadap !|||no,again|||stop being so shy and make advances toward them and they will either shut up or put out..|||now why would you want to cover all of that up? lol. :)

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