
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Things to give up on lent..?

I said I was going to give up shopping (clothes, shoes, unnecessary stuff) this lent. But I thought about it and wouldn%26#039;t it be better to give up something that will bring me closer to God (as my priest instructed)..? Like laziness and gluttony, judging people, road rage and so on? And you exchange these with negative things for positive things like going to church and praying more often..

Or would shopping be equal?

Things to give up on lent..?credit check

Anything that will bring you cloers to GOD is what you should do during Lent. You don%26#039;t necessarily have to give something up, it is okay to give an hour to prayer, attend daily mass, say a rosary. It is in a sence giving up your time for GOD. Also doing a charitable act each day is a form... GOD Bless

Things to give up on lent..? loanYou are very welcome... Report It




Col 2.14-22|||How about giving up beief in a NON-SCRIPTURAL, MAN-MADE DOCTRINE?

First, let%26#039;s see what catholics say about lent:

Ok, we see a lot of talk about the 40 years that the Jews wandered in the desert, the 40 days Jesus was in the wilderness, ect.

But WHERE ARE THE SCFRIPTURAL REFERENCES saying that we should know anything more about these events, then they happened, or practice the same things, (such as not eating meat, giving up things for the time period of Lent), ect?

There is NOTHING in Scripture that even remotely SUGGESTS that we should do ANY of these things!

Just a bunch of %26quot;supposed%26quot; theologians, saying that we DO have to do these.

What I see here, is that catholics are commanded to do these things, simply as %26quot;brownie points%26quot;, in order to get in good with God!

That falls under the catagory of what in Scripture is called WORKS.

What does the Bible say about works?

Ephesians 2:8-9 (New International Version)

8For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith鈥攁nd this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God鈥?9not by works, so that no one can boast.

Is giving up anything going to matter to God?

Is NOT eating meat on a specific day, going to matter to God?

Is celebrating a NON-SCRIPTURALy supported time period, going to matter to God?

How does God see any of these things, if they are simply to try to get in good with Him?

Isaiah 64:6 (New International Version)

6 All of us have become like one who is unclean,

and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;

we all shrivel up like a leaf,

and like the wind our sins sweep us away.

All of these works that I have pointed out are as FILTHY RAGS before God.

They are USELESS in the role that God WANTS us to live!

Don%26#039;t you think that it is time to get rid of all the excess baggage, that man, NOT GOD, has %26quot;ordained%26quot;, %26amp; start living ONLY by what the BIBLE teaches?|||Many years ago I gave up christianity for lent and never looked back...

....just kidding...

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